Macintosh Widgets

These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Most are made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, but see the License conditions for each individual program.

Almost all of these programs are in the form of Yahoo! Widgets which require installation of the Yahoo! (Konfabulator) Widget Engine. Yahoo! Widgets are coded in XML and javascript.

They are packaged as zipped Widgets (with extension .widget) inside a zipped folder. The code can be examined by unzipping the .widget files.

Download figures are the final download counts at the close of the Yahoo! Widget Gallery.

N.B. The Widget Engine runs fully correctly on OS X versions up to and including 10.10.5 (Yosemite). It does not run fully correctly on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), on macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).

On the later versions of macOS (10.11, 10,12 and 10.13), almost all of the functions of the Widget Engine can be used successfully, if the Widget Dock is kept closed.
If the dock cannot be closed from the menubar, the Yahoo! Widgets preference file can be edited (while the Engine is not running) to set DockOpen to false, so that the dock does not open when the Widget Engine is started.
The preference file is normally at ~/Library/Preferences/com.yahoo.widgetengine.plist and can be edited using BBEdit, TextWrangler and Xcode.
The canvas context.drawImage(...) function no longer works. It is also not possible to run Widgets with an open debug window on El Capitan and Sierra.
Nevertheless, most/many Widgets can be used successfully.

Annotate Map - Adds Waypoint Locations to World Map Images (Mac OS X only)


image Version 1.0

This Widget uses waypoint files generated by the Window Frame and Image Display Widgets to add annotations to World Map images.

Battery Monitor (Mac OS X only)


Battery Monitor displays the battery state of the remote mouse, trackpad and keyboard.

Duplicate Dock (Mac OS X only) (Downloads: 10,091)


Duplicate Dock provides a duplicate of the current Macintosh Dock. The duplicate can be configured in various ways and moved to any desired screen position.

EAN13 Decoder (Mac OS X only)


The EAN13 Decoder displays the EAN13 number of a barcode image dragged onto the window.

This Widget requires installation of the iMagine Photo application.

GPS Clock (Mac OS X only)


The GPS Clock Widget provides a user interface for a GPS Receiver which may be in a USB dongle or be connected via a USB to Serial adapter.

kSnoop II (Mac OS X only) (Downloads: 1,328)

Shows a list of currently available wireless networks along with signal strength and other status. Can display a pop-up when open networks are seen.

Hold your mouse over the red/green status light to get detailed information on that network.

Project home page has more screenshots and the most current version: http://eastham-lee.com/ksnoop

Mail Checker (Mac OS X Mail App only)


Displays the number of unread messages held by the Macintosh Mail application.

Serial Client (Mac OS X only)


image Version 3.1.8

Serial Client is a terminal style program which interacts with a serial port or with a USB to Serial adapter.

TypeScript Codeless Language Module for BBEdit and TextWrangler
This is a Codeless Language Module for BBEdit and TextWrangler on Mac OS X.
It provides syntax colouring when editing TypeScript programs.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019.